Giovanni Ambrogio de' Predis

Born: 1455  - Death: 1508    Located in: The Correggio Room

A Renaissance painter and illuminator from Milan, he first trained in art with his brother Cristoforo de Predis, also a book illuminator. Giovanni later became a well known associate of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519), completing commissioned copies of the master’s works and also contributing to his famous piece, Virgin of the Rocks, or Madonna of the Rocks. Together with his brother, Predis painted the side panels of Leonardo’s altarpiece. Predis had worked in the court of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza (1452 – 1508), who was a famous patron of Leonardo.

Predis probably painted several portraits in the Duke’s court and in one famous instance he created a portrait of the Duke’s daughter so that it may be brought to Emperor Maximilian I (1459 – 1519), before he marry her. Predis’ only signed and dated work is a portrait of that same Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian I. The artist is also known to have designed coins, tapestry work, as well as theatrical stage scenery. He may have also painted several miniature portraits under the court of Ludovico Sforza.

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